All sorts of ramblings
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Master Disertation
The dissertation of my master degree studied underdetermination of theories by empirical data as means to argue against the existence of theory-independent entities of scientific theories under the supervision of Dr. Godfrey Guillaumin.(Spanish only)
“Anschaulichkeit”, concept formation and the role of language in the immediate reception of quantum physics.
This was the propousal I made for the Fourth Conference on History of Quantum Mechanics.
Physics Degree Disertation
The thesis I presented to obtain my physics degree was a philosophical research in the history of mathematics under the supervision of Dr. José E. Marquina. The title could be translated as “Mutual influences between physics, mathematics and philosophy in the history of non-Euclidean geometries” (Spanish only)
En defensa de la intución
A critique of David Lewis' modal realism. The result of that one time I tried to get into metaphysics.(Spanish only)
Self-help out of context
This was a colective effort. The premise was to use a typical self-help sentence, and changing it's meaning by adding a note about who said the sentence. The result was quite funny. (Spanish only)
The tragedy of the comedian
A short story about a depressed comedian
Sobre el polémico caso del pie de la señora M
A short story about a medical controversy (Spanish only)
Siempre nos quedará Calcuta
A long story about my journey to India in 2000.(Spanish only)
La noción de simetría en la elección de las teorías físicas modernas
An essay about the role of symmetry considerations in the advent of modern Physics. Published in the Journal of the Science Faculty of the U.N.A.M.(Spanish only)
Robots que juegan a la guerra
An essay about the impact of artificial inteligence on our society. Published by "Sociedad de Científicos Anónimos"(Spanish only)
Robots que escriben sobre computación
An essay about robots writing about computers. Published by "Sociedad de Científicos Anónimos"(Spanish only)
Robots que juegan a la biología
An essay about robots interacting with biological systems. Published by "Sociedad de Científicos Anónimos"(Spanish only)
I love game design
An automatic writing excercice about game design. Energetic, probably incoherent, certainly unfinished
El rey está vivo
A review of "The King is alive" by Dogma 95, published by La jornada.(Spanish Only)